RED managing partner, Chude Jideonwo, was hosted by Studio Magazine last week.
The cocktail and talk shop, held in partnership with Calligaris at the Calligaris Flagship Store in Milan on Thursday, 13 February 2014 celebrated his achievement and focused on the media, entrepreneurship and the future of the continent.

He was interviewed by Anna Momigliano, the senior editor and by Federico Sarica, the chief editor. The event was attended by Milanese journalists, writers and influencers.

Photos of Chude Jideonwo, Anna Momigliano and Federico Sarica  of Studio magazine and Andrea Bocchiola  of Calligaris Design are below


Chude Jideowno, Anna Momigliano (Studio magazine), Federico Sarica (Studio magazine) and Andrea Bocchiola (Calligaris deisign)

chude speaking

buildingChude 2.